Dhamma Bhubaneshwar, Kantabada, (Orissa) Vipassana Course Schedule

Dhamma Bhubaneshwar, 

At. Po. Kantabada, Dist. Khorda, 

Contact: 1) C. B. Kar, Mobile: 9437131019, 7681096441, 

2) Mr. Pradeep Pradhan, Mob. 9439705409, 8093480338, 

Email: vipassanabbsr@gmail.com, 

Vipassana Course Schedule 2024


17 to 28-4, 

15 to 26-5, 

12 to 23-6, 

17 to 28-7, 

14 to 25-8, 

11 to 22-9, 

16 to 27-10, 

13 to 24-11, 

11 to 22-12, 


7-4, 5-5, 2-6, 7-7, 4-8, 1-9, 6-10, 3-11, 1-12, 

Children’s course: 

9-6, 8-9, 8-12,

To Apply for vipassana course click on this official website link  - https://www.dhamma.org/en/schedules/schbhubaneshwar

Premsagar Gavali

This is Premsagar Gavali working as a cyber lawyer in Pune. Mob. 7710932406

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