Data Storage at Pagoda site: A major project called Digital Archive!

From July 2017, a major project called digital archive will be set up at the Global Pagoda, in which all available materials from the time Resp. Goenkaji started teaching & spreading Vipassana until now, will be brought together at one place. This will include the entire collection of photos, documents, notes, letters, audio, and video of Resp. Goenkaji, plus the VRI research work, as well as Pagoda photos, drawings, documents, etc..

It will take at least two years for the project to complete. In the first phase, computers, scanners, and storage hardware will be purchased & salaries of the workers need to be planned for.

The project cost for procuring equipment is approximately 25 lakh rupees and the salaries for 1 year approximately 15-20 lakh rupees. VRI is registered under section 35(1)(3) where donors will get 125% income tax exemption on their donations.

Contact: 1. Mr. Derik Pegado: 9921227057. or 2: Shri Bipin Mehta: 9920052156, Email:

Premsagar Gavali

This is Premsagar Gavali working as a cyber lawyer in Pune. Mob. 7710932406

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