Sunday Extended Vipassana Group Sitting 8th August


🙏🌸Sunday Extended Group Sitting🌸🙏

*(7 am to 1pm) *

Jamnabai Vipassana Group invites you to join Extended Group Sitting 🌷🙏🏻

For meditators who have completed at least one ten - day Vipassana course as taught by Shri S N Goenka, or assistant teachers appointed by him are welcome to join

Date & Time: Sunday, 8th August 2021 from 7.00 AM to 1.00 PM India

Conducting teachers for this session is

Smt Indu Ben Shah                            # 9821727552

After the course ends, if you have any questions, you may call / SMS / WhatsApp message to the conducting teachers who will get back to you.  

Join Zoom

Meeting ID: 880 5901 9549

Passcode: 383676

Timetable for the Extended Group sitting 

7.00 am – 8.30 am - Anapana meditation 

8.30 am – 8.40 am - Break (Silence, no broadcast during this period)

8.40 am – 9.40 am Vipassana Group Sitting

9.40 am-9.50 am   - Break (Silence, no broadcast during this period)

9.50 am-10.40 am - Self Meditation (Silence, no broadcast during this period)

10.40 am-11.00 am   - Break (Silence, no broadcast during this period)

11.00 am-12.20 pm - Vipassana Group Sitting & Metta

12.20 pm- 12.30 pm   - Break (Silence, no broadcast during this period)

12.30 pm-1.00 pm – Discourse by Shri S N Goenkaji in Hindi

pm – Course ends 


1. Meditators who would like to check their audio settings may join at 6.45 am

2. All are requested to switch off their video and remain muted for the entire duration of course

3. In case of any difficulty during the course, either put your questions in the chat with your name & number or contact Ayushi Agarwal # 70166 34405 & Arati Vora 9820243259

समग्गानं तपो सुखो – सामुहिक तप-सुख का लाभ उठाएं |

🙏🌻Mangal Maitri🌻🙏

Premsagar Gavali

This is Premsagar Gavali working as a cyber lawyer in Pune. Mob. 7710932406

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