Dhamma Madhura: Appeal to donate for completion of the balance work !


Dear Dhamma brother's & sister's 

A beacon of Dhamma founded by Pujaya Guruji Shree S.N.Goenkaji our principal Teacher of Vipassana 

In Dhamma madhura near Madurai, we got the land in the year 2011 and started the first course in the year 2012 approx 75 both male and female student's are benefited from this Dhamma Madura centre in every course.

We have started constructing of phase-2, 20 single  accommodation male room 65% work is over & 35% work is pending.

We are in shortage of 25 lacs for completion of the balance work 

It is a Golden opportunity to increase your DANA parmitha and it's our sincere appeal that you earn merits of the Dana parmi

When the work would  be completed 20 more meditators will be able to participate and get the seeds of Dhamma

Bank details...

Bank: State bank of india 

Branch: Anaiyur branch 

Name of Account: Vipassana Meditation centre 

Account no 00000035965685170

C/F no:5825127042

IFS Code: SBIN0012764 

MICRO CODE: 625002036

May Dhamma bless you for your noble cause. 

With Metta,


Premsagar Gavali

This is Premsagar Gavali working as a cyber lawyer in Pune. Mob. 7710932406

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