Ballapur (Chandrapur) 2023 vipassana course timetable


Ballapur (Chandrapur): 10-day:

 11 to 22-1, 22-2 to 5-3, 15 to 26-3, 31-5 to 11-6, 22-6 to 2-7, 12 to 23-7, 23-8 to 3-9, 17 to 28-9, 18 to 29-10, 22-11 to 3-12, 13 to 24-12, #ST: 25-4 to 3-5, 3-day: 5 to 8-3, 13 to 16-8, 1-day: 1-1, 30-1, 5-2, 19-3, 2-4, 5-5, 11-6, 3-7, 29-9, 29-10, 20-11,

 # 2-day Children Course: (Boys only 10 to 15 yer) 6 to 8-5, 14 to 16-11, (only Girls 10 to 15 yer) 9 to 11-5, 17 to 19-11, Dhamma Workshop: 8-1, (10 am to 5 pm)

 Place: Anupam Charitable Trust, Yenbodi Po. Kothari Tal. Ballapur, Dist. Chandrapur - 442701, 

Contact: 1) shri Vasant Dhoke, Mob. 9423503514, 7875330276, 2) Shri. Manohar Phuljhele, Mob  8551987943,

Premsagar Gavali

This is Premsagar Gavali working as a cyber lawyer in Pune. Mob. 7710932406

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