Shri Prakash Goenka has passed away in the morning today..

 Shri Prakash Goenka ( SPG- Guruji’s Son) has passed away in the morning today..

He has not been keeping well for quite some time and over the last 6 months in particular
- was hospitalized again 3 days ago!
May he attain Nibbana!
May the family bear this tragic loss with equanimity!

A great son of Dhamma  Shri Shriprakash Goenkaji has moved on to his next journey of life. 

He served his entire life to Guruji and to Dhamma in spreading Vipassana all over the World and especially the Building of the Global Vipassana Pagoda. 

words just can’t describe the yeoman service he has given to Dhamma , 

Let’s us all give our deepest metta to him that he in his onward journey finds a path of peace happiness harmony and that he realizes the four noble truths in his onward journey of life.

Photo Gallery of Shri Prakash Goenkaji

Premsagar Gavali

This is Premsagar Gavali working as a cyber lawyer in Pune. Mob. 7710932406

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